Lead Testing in Child Care Centers Logo



• CDSS Materials

How to Apply for Assistance Video
Fact Sheet for Providers
Fact Sheet for Landlords

• Map Help

• Site Help

• Remediation

• Reimbursement

Parents and Families

CCC Testing Status Map


LIC 9275 (External Water Sampler Self-Certification Form)
Training Video for Samplers
Instructions to Laboratories
Example Map and COC
Example Map and COC for Combination Centers
CCC Grant Applicants Served by the Grant Program * OWP has received additional funding to meet projected sampling needs through December 2024. Please refer new inquiries from CCCs to https://ab2370assistance.owp.csus.edu


How to Identify a Low-Lead Fixture for Replacement
Plumbing Guidance on Replacing Fixtures and Fittings
How to Identify Lead-Reducing Filters
Replacement Examples: Angle Stops
Replacement Examples: Commercial Faucets
Replacement Examples: Fountains/Bubblers
Filter Examples: Over Sink Point-of-Use
Filter Examples: Under Sink Point-of-Use

Plumbing Manufacturers

PMI Brochure on How Manufacturers of Drinking Water Fixtures Can Meet CA’s Lead Testing Legislation

Water Districts

CCC Testing Status and Water District Boundaries
* Funding for this project has been provided in full or in part through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board and the California Department of Social Services. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the foregoing, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.